What are bad habits for your eyes and which ones are good?  – Wel.nl

What are bad habits for your eyes and which ones are good? – Wel.nl

Our eyes are essential in our daily lives. We use our eyes all the time, and sometimes we don’t realize the effect our habits have on our eyes. Certain habits can harm our eyes in the long run. The New York Times lists what is good and what is bad

Bad habits for your eyes:
Spending too much time on digital screens: The blue light emitted from digital screens can damage our eyes and can affect our sleep patterns. Therefore, try to limit the use of digital devices and take regular breaks.

Smoking: Not only is smoking harmful to our lungs, it will also harm our eyes. It can lead to conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and dry eyes. So it is wise to quit smoking, not only for our general health, but also for our eyes.

Not getting enough sleep: Our eyes need enough rest to function properly. If we do not get enough sleep, our eyes can become irritated and we can experience dry and tired eyes.

Improper Nutrition: Our eyes need the right nutrients to function properly. It is important to eat enough fruits and vegetables, especially those that contain antioxidants, such as broccoli, spinach, and blueberries.

Good habits for your eyes:
Protect your eyes from the sun: Sunlight can damage our eyes. Therefore, it is important to wear sunglasses that protect our eyes from the harmful rays of the sun.

Eye Sports: Eye training can help keep our eyes healthy. Eye movements and eye exercises can reduce eye strain and improve the flexibility of our eyes.

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Regular eye exams: Regular eye exams can detect early signs of eye diseases or changes in our vision. It is recommended to have our eyes checked at least once a year.

Good Posture: Good posture can help protect our vision and reduce eye strain. While working or reading, be sure to look straight ahead and keep your computer or book at an appropriate distance.

sources): The New York Times

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