Wappies and believers are a danger to us all – Wel.nl

Wappies and believers are a danger to us all – Wel.nl

Whoever refuses to be vaccinated not only puts his health at risk, but also puts his health at risk. That’s because the variants can only develop in the body of infected people, a risk that clearly increases if you are not vaccinated. “Unvaccinated people are potentially diverse plants,” William Schaffner, professor of infectious diseases, told CNN.

“The more people who are not immunized, the greater the chance of the virus reproducing.” And when that happens, the virus mutates and can introduce a more dangerous variant somewhere along the way.”

This is what viruses do: mutate. The virus wants – if everything is alive, to live as a species. So when one road is blocked by vaccines, the virus finds others. If the mutation can spread, a new type of virus emerges, which may be more contagious, reproduce more efficiently, or infect a greater variety of hosts. Such a variant can become dominant, as is now fully the case in many countries with the delta variant.

For now, vaccines can still withstand current variables, but this is not a certainty for any new variables. This is why high vaccination coverage is so important now. Therefore, the barrage and the believers are a danger to all of us

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