Video released by Putin’s imprisoned friend Medvedchuk

Video released by Putin’s imprisoned friend Medvedchuk

This Putin friend is a controversial Ukrainian businessman and politician, who is very pro-Russia and is considered Putin’s closest ally in Ukraine. Earlier this week we wrote this picture about him.

Medvedchuk was arrested on Tuesday after a special operation carried out by Ukrainian intelligence. According to the agency, he was about to flee to Moscow via Transnistria, a pro-Russia breakaway region of Moldova on the border with Ukraine. It was intercepted near Kyiv.

exchange request

Today it can be seen in the video below in which he asks for a prisoner exchange. “I, Victor Medvedchuk, would like to appeal to Russian President Putin and Ukrainian President Zelensky to trade me for defenders of Mariupol,” he says, among other things.

The Moscow regime had indicated earlier that it was not ready to exchange Ukrainian prisoners for a friend of the Russian President.

British prisoners

Two British prisoners have just appeared on Russian state television, and they have called on British Prime Minister Johnson to do his best to exchange them for Medvedchuk.

British mercenaries, Aiden Aslin (29 years old) and Sean Penner (48 years old), were recently arrested during the fighting in Mariupol.

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