Video: Creditor forfeits an SLM in Miami

Video: Creditor forfeits an SLM in Miami

The creditor confiscates the SLM in Miami
A video showing how the plane is being towed away.

A Surinamese Airlines plane that was flying to Suriname from Miami was seized Tuesday afternoon. This is the reports of the Surinamese newspaper De West.

The expropriation process follows a significant debt to the creditor with the sustainable management of land. The newspaper writes that this would amount to a year in arrears. Passengers were unpleasantly surprised upon departure.

Finance Minister Achaibersingh confirmed this afternoon in the National Assembly (DNA) that there was a confiscation. It is learned that an agreement has been made with the owner and an amount of 650 thousand dollars has been paid for the release of the property.

The Minister hopes that passengers will still be able to return on Tuesday evening or during the night. He indicated that a structural solution must be put in place to prevent these types of issues in the future. The movement said in an official letter about that:

As indicated in previous announcements, the SLM is in discussions or negotiating with various actors in the context of restructuring. The Sudan Liberation Movement is also negotiating with trainers of the B737 aircraft. However, it appears that during the negotiations, the B737’s lessor (PZ-TCT) for administrative reasons decided to temporarily ground the aircraft in Miami. SLM and contributors work hard to ensure a fast solution. The SLM is making every effort to transport the stranded passengers now to Paramaribo as soon as possible and expresses its sincere apologies for the inconvenience that has arisen.

The video below shows how to tow a plane:

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