Vaccine against ticks and all tick-borne diseases – NRK Viten

Vaccine against ticks and all tick-borne diseases – NRK Viten

Lyme disease It is the most common disease that ticks can carry. It is caused by the bacteria Lyme disease and in Europe at least five subspecies are known to cause disease in humans.

The most common and perhaps the only symptom of Lyme disease is the reddish rash, erythema migrans, that grows above the tick bite. A rash can appear 3-30 days after the tick bite. At least 7,000 Norwegians receive Erytema migrans each year. This is a mild local infection that sometimes forms a red ring. The infection is found in the skin and the recommended treatment is penicillin. Erythema migrans is responsible for more than 90 percent of all Lyme disease cases.

Five to 10 percent of people with Lyme disease develop a more serious infection. Symptoms of this usually occur acutely, one to two months after the tick bite. The most common is neuroblastoma, a Borrelia infection that affects the nervous system. Some people develop a reddish rash first, but not many people remember the tick bites or the rash. Typical symptoms are nerve pain and emotional changes in the skin in the painful areas. Some also suffer from paralysis and have difficulty with strength and coordination. Lateral hemiplegia due to facial neuritis is more common, especially in children. Neuroblastoma can also cause meningitis, including headache, photophobia, neck stiffness, lethargy, and fatigue. Borrelia bacteria can also cause inflammation in other organs, such as the joints (Burlia arthritis) and the heart (Burlia carditis). The treatment is antibiotics.

Brain inflammation (TBE / tick-borne encephalitis) is caused by a virus. There is great variation in the picture of the disease. Some have no symptoms, others get very sick. They may experience severe headaches, fever, lethargy, confusion, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, muscle pain, and paralysis. There is no cure for this disease but a preventive vaccine. The NIPH recommends that children and adults who spend a lot of time in nature in high-risk areas (Agder, Telemark, Buskerud, Vestfold) and who are often bitten by ticks, receive the TBE vaccine. In 2020, 41 cases of tuberculosis were reported.

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Anaplasm caused by bacteria. Also called sjodogg, it is an animal disease that has been known in Norway for hundreds of years and can cause disease in other animal species such as cattle, goats, horses, dogs and cats. The treatment is antibiotics.

lovable It is caused by a parasite. It is more common in cattle than in humans. The treatment is antibiotics or antimalarials.

Norlicious caused by bacteria. The first case of the disease was discovered in Norway only in 2016. The treatment is antibiotics.

The risk of contracting the disease after a tick bite is low, about 2%.

Pron: Tick Center

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