US investigative committee: Trump may have broken the law |  Abroad

US investigative committee: Trump may have broken the law | Abroad

Trump and some of his advisers may have been involved in a criminal conspiracy with the aim of “obstructing the official procedures of Congress” and “organizing a conspiracy to defraud the American people.” This is according to documents filed with the California court.

Trump wanted Vice President Pence to prevent the January 6 election results from being certified. Pence himself insisted that he could not do so by law. According to these court documents, there is evidence that President Trump and his team knew that he did not win the election. However, the president wanted to use the vice president to manipulate the results to his advantage.


According to the documents, Trump’s repeated allegations of election fraud are punishable by law. Trump maintains to this day that the 2020 election was not fair and that he is the actual winner. Trump and his supporters filed dozens of lawsuits, but failed to convince the judge. Investigations and other recounts also revealed no evidence of fraud.

The allegations against Trump came in a case involving attorney John Eastman. Eastman advised Trump on how to undo the election results. The commission wants to force Eastman through the courts to hand over thousands of emails. But Eastman says he can’t do that because as a lawyer he has a duty to maintain confidentiality with his client. With these allegations, the commission is trying to make it clear to the judge that Eastman should pass on his data.

In the least, these suspicions of the parliamentary committee do not mean that Trump will now be automatically impeached. The investigation committee itself cannot decide to prosecute. However, it will consider turning over the evidence to the Department of Justice. It is unclear whether Trump will be impeached. The trial of a former president is very unusual.

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