UMCG research: junk food, sugar and drink cause intestinal inflammation and thus diabetes and rheumatism (vegetarian food has the opposite effect)

UMCG research: junk food, sugar and drink cause intestinal inflammation and thus diabetes and rheumatism (vegetarian food has the opposite effect)

Fast food, alcohol, meat and sugar cause bad intestinal bacteria and thus inflammatory reactions throughout the body, which in turn lead to diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Vegetarian food has the opposite effect.

This is evidenced by research by Rinse Weersma, Laura Bolte, and Arnau Vich Vila from the UMCG Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Genetics Departments. Their findings were published Tuesday in the scientific journal Gut. According to the researchers, this study shows that dietary changes can help reduce inflammatory activity in the body.

Many animal products, processed foods, alcohol and sugar ensure that inflammatory activity in the body can develop early through the formation of intestinal bacteria. But a diet rich in plant foods will have the opposite effect.

The researchers explain it this way: The composition and amount of bacteria in the gut, also called the microbiome, have a direct effect on the balance of anti-inflammatory and stimulating reactions in the gut. This ecosystem affects immunity and is also involved in an increasing number of inflammatory conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. While much research is being done on the anti-inflammatory effects of specific nutrients, little is known about the effect of foods and dietary patterns as a whole on the formation of the gut microbiome and how they may thus influence inflammatory responses in the gut.

Interaction of nutrition, intestinal bacteria and infections

To find out, researchers studied the interaction between diet, gut bacteria and enteritis in people with intestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome and people with normal healthy gut. They analyzed the faeces of all the study participants and the participants completed a questionnaire to get a good idea of ​​their dietary patterns. In total, the researchers analyzed 173 dietary factors and their relationship to the gut microbiome.

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Anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effect of some foods

Research shows that eating large amounts of processed foods and foods derived from animals leads to additional inflammatory activities of the bacteria. Activities previously associated with various chronic inflammatory diseases. On the one hand, plant foods and fish have been associated with “friendly” bacteria and anti-inflammatory activity. Eating nuts, oily fish, fruits, vegetables and grains has been linked to increased levels of bacteria that produce short-chain fatty acids: These acids help control inflammation and protect the integrity of the cells lining the intestine. A limited amount of red wine also has this effect.

The effect of spirits and potato chips

The study also shows that less healthy activities for the bacteria could be associated with: total alcohol intake, spirits, sugar, coffee, a fast food combination of meats, potato chips, mayonnaise, and soft drinks. In fact, anti-inflammatory bacteria are related to the following: dairy products like yogurt and yogurt, food groups of bread, and legumes, such as lentils, peas and chickpeas. Fish and nuts.

Diet can prevent inflammation

Research lead Rinse Weersma notes that it’s not clear how long it takes gut bacteria to respond to changes in diet. We were able to elicit dietary patterns associated with groups of bacteria and known functions by inferring mucosal protection and anti-inflammatory effects. Interactions that occur in both a healthy group of patients and people without intestinal problems may be related to other syndromes in which inflammation, microbial changes in the intestine, and nutrition are a common thread.

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Laura Bolt, a dietitian and trainee physician who conducted the study, concluded that long-term diets enriched with legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, or more plant-based foods over animal foods with a preference for low-fat dairy and fish can help. Prevent infections. Intestinal processes through the gut microbiome. Bolt: “Especially when combined with avoiding strong alcoholic beverages, high-fat processed meats, and soft drinks.”

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