Rain, monkey rocks, trail angels, bad jokes and swarms of mosquitoes. But the wind, the enormous draft, the strange obstacles, the meaning and friendship. Katwijk Walker Fred van der Meij meets it all on his journey through America. He walks from the northern border of Mexico to the southern border of Canada.
Fully under his own steam and with his own resources, Katwijker will take his final steps through the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in Washington state in the coming weeks. It is the last stretch of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). 2,662 miles (about 4,284 km) is a grueling long-distance route in the western United States. By comparison: the well-known Dutch Peterbad is about 500 km long.
The PCT takes runners over snow-capped mountain peaks, past towering rock formations, sometimes raging rivers, and through forests that have died out or burned and are newly blooming. Every step offers a breathtaking view. A beauty for the retina, a natural tonic for the soul and a long fulfilled dream for the energizer.
Freddy the Little Energizer is the street name by which Katwijker is known worldwide. An apt name and trekking usage dictates: given by his fellow trekkers because he is always cheerful and has the energy and appetite for ten, even after toiling for many kilometers (miles).
The hike began in mid-March with a rescue company (Michael from Great Britain) in the border town of Campo in California. In Lancaster he is swayed by Duracell (Dimitri from Belgium), a friend he always plays in shorts. In Oregon, Waldo, EasyRider and Fred’s hair left the mountain pass. After about 2,100 miles on foot, Freddie and Rangwe (Peter from Germany) embarked on a very inspiring 24-hour challenge, and at Grizzly Peak both called an air ambulance for a fellow hiker who had broken an ankle.
Freddy Energizer is currently hiking in the Cascade Range around Mt. Frisco. Once his phone is repaired, he wants to take viewers and fans on an online journey. He naturally introduces you to the elements and people he meets along the way, like Trail Angels. The Angels are exceptional people who love PCT trail hikers. Feel that magic as a screen follower via YouTube.
How does this adventure end? Check it out Network lightChannel and cheer on Freddy Energizer’s last miles with a like.