Transmitter apologizes for ‘short fat girl’ comment on Game of Thrones actress |  Currently

Transmitter apologizes for ‘short fat girl’ comment on Game of Thrones actress | Currently

Australian television channel has the British Game of thronesActress Emilia Clarke has apologized. Channel manager Patrick Delaney described her as a “short and fat girl” during the movie premiere Game of thrones-successor Dragon House in Sydney.

Foxtel’s president, Delany, wanted to make it clear that he didn’t understand why at first Game of thrones It was such a global blow. He said, “I was like, ‘What kind of soap is this, with that short, fat girl walking in the fire?’

According to the Australian news channel circus There was an uncomfortable reaction to the comment in the hall. “I felt like he expected us to laugh, but the people in the room were clearly shocked,” said one of the visitors to the premiere. Another witness said, “There was some kind of sighing in the room.”

Foxtel has since apologized for Delaney’s comment. “Foxtel Group apologizes if its comments were misunderstood and offensive,” the company said in a statement. According to the statement, Delaney basically wanted to say that Game of thrones In 2011 it was “something very different from what people had seen up to that point”.

Clark has yet to respond to the comment and apologise.

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