These are the best gadgets for outdoor vacation

These are the best gadgets for outdoor vacation

There won’t be a good tour through Asia or the United States this year. Unless the corona virus is under control, it will be difficult to fly overseas. There are still plenty of other holidays to plan for this year. About a wonderful outdoor vacation, how about a place where you are looking for adventure ?! Whether you do this in the Netherlands or in one of our neighboring countries, you are reasonably free from the risk of pollution as long as you seek nature. What is the best thing to take with you? We already tell you about the best gadgets on the road!

Smart navigation system

If you are out all day in an unfamiliar environment, it is good to know a little about where you are right. You no longer need to bring an antique compass – unless you are very adventurous and want to stick to the basics – because nowadays you can use smart navigation tools. For example, look for a smartwatch with a built-in navigation or smart bicycle system. Search Navigation, watches and more useful gadgets Especially online! You may find something you do not know you need.

And a bag with a water reservoir

You need water to be excited, so it is important to always have it on hand. Carrying bottled water is not okay, but there are many other ways to easily carry water with you. For example, how about backbones with built-in water reservoirs. It contains a kind of straw so you can drink plain water while walking. You do not even have to unpack your bag for this. Great right! Do you already have a nice backpack, but is this idea good? You can also buy separate reservoirs that you can keep with your own bag.

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Perfect lighting

There are no good lights on the list of things to take with you. You will often find that you need lights when it is dark. Of course, you can not always trust your phone’s flashlight, so make sure you have good flashlights or camp lights. If you really want to take a smart approach, choose solar powered lights. You can charge it all day and then use it without the hassle of batteries.

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