There is one halo mutation that supposedly “penetrates pollen” –

There is one halo mutation that supposedly “penetrates pollen” –

Vaccination can become a race against time. After all, at any moment, a corona mutant could appear to outperform vaccines. In Israel, the South African alternative has already proven more capable of “penetrating the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine defense” than other forms of the virus.

One of the authors told Agence France-Presse on Sunday Be studying them It showed that the South African variant is relatively successful in infecting vaccinated people. This means nothing about whether you could still become seriously ill if you were vaccinated.

Tel Aviv University researchers compared 400 unvaccinated people and 400 who were partially or completely vaccinated. According to the study, which was published as a draft on Saturday, the South African alternative accounts for less than one percent of casualties in Israel. “But of the 150 people who were fully vaccinated and received Covid-19, the variant was eight times more common than unvaccinated people,” the researchers said.

“This means that the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, despite its very high efficacy, may not offer the same protection against the South African variant (B.1.351),” it appears.

“The South African alternative is able to penetrate the vaccine protection to some extent,” said Tel Aviv University professor Addy Stern. Stern stresses that, despite being vaccinated, no investigation has been made into whether the injured also became seriously ill. “Since it only concerns a very small number of infected people, it does not make statistically meaningful to say anything about it.”

Bron (nene): Science alert
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