The ‘world’s largest indoor go-kart track’ is coming

After a go-kart session, the loser always has an excuse as to why they are slow. Remember the well-known ‘you’re too light’ argument. At least in this job you have plenty of time to come up with excuses. A new go-kart track claims to be ‘the world’s largest indoor multi-level go-kart track’ but is beaten by the Dutch track in terms of length.

The new go-kart track is located in New Jersey at Supercharged Entertainment. In addition to the go-kart track, the company fills the game’s paradise with “luxury” ax throwing and a two-story arcade. The go-kart track itself is split into two separate tracks: one at 491 meters and one at 542 meters. It is 1,033 kilometers.

Not the world’s largest indoor go-kart track

In various news articles, the track has been called the ‘world’s longest indoor go-kart track’. But the new track in New Jersey isn’t the world’s largest indoor go-kart track by mileage. As mentioned, the US route is shorter than the longest route in the Netherlands. It is located at the Van der Ende Racing Inn in Poeldijk and is 1.2 kilometers long.

Supercharged Entertainment calls it the ‘world’s longest multi-level indoor go-kart track’, so multi-level is an important addition. But even so the kite is not entirely yours because at Poeldijk you drive over a bridge and part of the track is raised. We will also recognize this in several stages.

The owner of the go-kart center in Poeldijk, Jack van der Ende, is more down-to-earth: ‘We don’t have rollercoasters here like in America. They may have many floors, but we are on the ground floor.’ Incidentally, a go-kart track in Dortmund is even longer with a length of 1.6 kilometers. Two options that don’t require you to drive too far.

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We’ve also reached out to Supercharged Entertainment for a response, but we’re still waiting for it. We know the prices to go karting with them. You’ll pay $29 for a seven-minute race. A bundle of three bets will cost you $78 and five bets will cost you $125. The best deal is not to breed it. To improve your speed time per hour, you need to pay 28 dollars.

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