The World Economic Forum has a global digital identity plan

Written by Stephen J. Boss.

WORTHY NEWS / DE COUTUREKRANT – February 23, 2022 – Davos / Budapest – The World Economic Forum (WEF) is proposing a global digital identity system that could allow microchips to be implanted into people around the world by 2016, according to a report and screenshots provided by Newsworthy@Newspaper. Newspartner De Couture.

In a February 2022 report, “Digital Agency Development: The Power of Data Intermediaries,” the World Economic Forum was said to support digital identity laws in the United States and the European Union. World Economic Forum staff there found that the Covid-19 pandemic underlined the “power of medical data” for so-called vaccine passports, which could form the basis of a new “digital identity system”.

“It is clear that these passports act as a form of digital identity” to access meeting places such as bars or restaurants and can address “digital inequality,” the report said. “On a collective level, the vaccine data represent a critical public health benefit.” While passports are already available electronically on smartphones, WEF founder and CEO Klaus Schwab talks about implanting digital IDs in people.

In a video discovered by Worthy News & News partner De Couturekrant, an interviewer asked Schwab in French, “We’re talking about implantable chips. When is that?”

Schwab replied in 2016. “Definitely within the next 10 years, and at first we’ll implant it in our clothes. And then we might imagine implanting it in our brains or in our skin.” He added excitedly.
The World Economic Forum’s investigative report this month confirmed what the organization sees as a “merging of the physical, digital and biological worlds” in the pipeline.

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The President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, has stated that he aims to “major reset” the economies of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” to change the post-COVID world within the next few years.

Critics say the plans could lead to a social credit system already in place in China to blacklist people deemed “misbehaving” against imposed social norms.

However, Schwab’s views are increasingly being shared by the European Commission, the EU’s executive director, describing the EU’s “Digital COVID Certification” as an “EU success story”.

“To date, Member States have issued more than 1.2 billion certificates. In addition, this has proven to be the only working COVID-19 certification system that operates on an international scale and sets a global standard,” the commission said.

As of January 31 this year, nearly 33 third countries and territories have been linked to the EU’s digital COVID certification system, the commission added. And “more countries are expected to join in the future.”

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Caption: Karel Appel

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