The shocking invention that squeezes the jaws until you lose weight makes a fuss: “This is agony!”  |  abroad

The shocking invention that squeezes the jaws until you lose weight makes a fuss: “This is agony!” | abroad

The invention called “DentalSlim Diet Control” is applied to the patient’s upper and lower teeth. Because of the clamps, the wearer can no longer open his mouth and you can only eat liquid food. It’s no longer possible to just get a bag of chips or reach for a bowl of cookies.

“This is torture”

But as impressive as the wasteful promises of sound (according to the press release, the research participants lost 6.3 kilograms in two weeks), the device is causing a lot of buzz on social media. One said, “This is torture.” Another says, “You don’t need this torture device to be on a liquid diet.”

The text continues below the tweet.

The clamps stay creepy

After the criticism, the university felt compelled to provide further clarification: , to clarify: The device is not intended as an aid to rapid or long-term weight loss. Instead, it is intended to help people who need surgery but can’t until they lose weight.”

Despite the hype, researchers are still pushing ahead with the fearsome jaw clamps. The university wants to find a business partner so they can do impact research with more patients.

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