The pain will continue on the day of ascension

The pain will continue on the day of ascension

Biblical TV event the desire He will receive an additional edition during this year’s Ascension. The broadcast of KRO-NCRV and the Reformed Church is organized on May 26 Rise of passion† It is a Christian public holiday, the meaning of which is not well known, according to the announcer.

“the desire” He brought the Easter story back to the masses. We hope to achieve this with this sequel,” says the director of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands, Jürgen de Groot.

At Easter, according to the Bible, Jesus rose from the dead, and the Ascension tells the story of Jesus who then went to heaven. KRO-NCRV CEO Peter Kuipers describes his desire to tell the story behind Ascension. “Where Easter provides comfort and is binding, the story of the Ascension is invigorated with a call to all to stand.”

The same main roles

The heroes in the sequel are the same during the Easter edition. Kim-Lian van der Meij plays Mary Magdalene and Soy Kroon Jesus, Thomas Cammaert plays Petrus and Noortje Herlaar as Mary. Rod de Wilde is the narrator. Rise of passion The story is told from three sides: the story of Peter the narrator and Mary Magdalene.

The Ascension version can be watched on NPO 1 on May 26 at 8.30pm. The event has already been partially registered for Doetinchem and will not be broadcast live, unlike the Easter version of the desire. This version will be broadcast live from Doetinchem next Thursday, April 14th.

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