The Lord of the Rings: Gollum has been delayed by “a few months” – Games – News

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum has been delayed by developer Daedalic Entertainment for several months. The game was originally supposed to release on September 1, but the game makers say they need more time for release.

It is not yet known when the game will be released or if it will be released in 2022. Daedalek Entertainment writes on twitter The postponement would take “a few more months”. The company will release a more specific timeline soon. The film’s makers say they’re making a story that “carries out J. R. R. Tolkien’s vision.” “In order to provide the best possible experience, we have decided to delay the release for a few months,” says the developer.

It is not known exactly where the delay in development is. For example, manufacturers don’t say whether it has anything to do with it Daedalic’s acquisition by the publisher Naconin February of this year.

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum tells the story of an eponymous creature from a fantasy book. The game is a stealth game in which players must guide Gollum through Mordor and other well-known regions of Middle-earth. in Previous gameplay trailers Familiar characters such as the wizard Gandalf and Elven king Thranduil also appeared in the game. The game not only follows the full story from the Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, and Hobbit books, but also adds new locations and stories.

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