The lockdown has been tightened further due to concerns about new viral variants | New release

Press release 20-01-2021 | 14:05

Note: This is news from Jan.20. Find out about the current Dutch measures against the Coronavirus.

The government is very concerned about the British variant of the Coronavirus, which is more contagious than the virus we already know. Additionally, there are other types of virus of concern. Additional measures are needed to control these new variants of the virus. That is why the government intends to impose a curfew within a few days of approval by the House of Representatives. In addition, the government is tightening visiting advice: receive a maximum of one person aged 13 or over per day and visit a place no more than once per day. Additional restrictions are also imposed to cope with the number of international travel movements.

The goal is to reduce the current level of infection, delay the spread of current and new variants of the virus, and ensure that new variants enter our country as little as possible. In this way, we can delay the moment when the new variants of the virus take over as much as possible. This is very important to ensure that hospitals provide a place for Corona patients in the coming months and so that other medical care can continue as possible. Because we don’t want to look back at this moment in a few weeks and conclude that we haven’t done enough.

Read the procedures that apply at a brief glance.

Read the transcript of the press conference in clear language.


The government intends to impose a curfew throughout the Netherlands within days of approval by the House of Representatives. Hence the intention is for everyone to stay indoors from 8.30pm to 4.30am. With this, the government wants to prevent visitors and meetups in groups, thus slowing down the infection. Being on the street without a valid reason is prohibited during curfew. Do not go out except when necessary. This is only permissible:

  • In case of emergency;
  • If you or someone else needs help or an animal needs urgent (medical) help;
  • If the employer asks you to go out for work;
  • If you traveled abroad or returned to the Netherlands;
  • If you are on the road in connection with a funeral and you can prove it;
  • If you are on the road regarding a summons from a judge or prosecutor, an objection or an appeal session and you can prove it;
  • When walking a dog on a leash. You are doing this yourself.
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If it is necessary to exit, people must bring a Self-Advertisement to Ban Curfew. If you need to go out for work, you must also show your employer statement. In some cases the form is not required. More information on this at

The House of Representatives has yet to consider the government’s proposal to impose a curfew. After approval by the House of Representatives, more information will be published at

The curfew is a difficult procedure. But it helps slow the spread of the virus. Research abroad shows that curfews can lead to an 8% and 13% decrease in the R value, according to the Outbreak Management Team (OMT). In principle, the curfew is in effect until February 10, 4:30 a.m.

Additional travel restrictions

Each flight increases the chance of more infections or bringing new types of Coronavirus to the Netherlands. That is why the urgent advice is: Stay in the Netherlands. Do not travel and do not book flights that take place until March 31.

The government is taking additional measures to prevent the import of new types of the virus through travelers and to further limit the number of travel movements. The United Kingdom has a no-fly zone and a ban on passenger ferries. The flight ban will also apply to passenger flights from South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Cape Verde, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. This flight ban applies for a maximum of one month at the moment, or until the mandatory quarantine intended for travelers is legally regulated.

In addition, all travelers from high-risk areas who come to the Netherlands by plane or ship must be able to show a negative rapid test just before departure for the Netherlands. The duration of this test is a maximum of 4 hours upon boarding. This is in addition to the mandatory negative PCR test, which should not take more than 72 hours before arrival. These procedures also apply to travelers to the Caribbean islands in the Netherlands. In addition, they must be quarantined for 10 days upon arrival in the Netherlands. After 5 days, the person can undergo the examination. If the PCR test result is negative, the quarantine ends. Since rapid tests are not available everywhere near ports and airports, it is practically expected that a commitment to double testing will lead to a decrease in the number of flights to our country. This means that it will be difficult for some people to return home. Dutch citizens who have to travel to the Netherlands due to an emergency and cannot submit a PCR test / negative rapid test in time can inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Entry bans have been imposed on certain groups of travelers from non-EU countries since March. The Cabinet decided to shorten the list of exceptions to this ban. This means that business travelers, students, highly skilled immigrants, professionals from the cultural and creative sector and long-distance enthusiasts who come for short periods of time are no longer allowed to enter the Netherlands.

These measures will take effect on Saturday 23 January 2021 00:01 AM.

Stay home, work at home, and meet as few others as possible

The purpose of closing is to get as few contacts as possible. Because the fewer contacts, the fewer infections. Staying home is the best way to limit contact lenses. Go outside only to buy groceries, (medical) care for yourself, others or animals, get fresh air and education or work if it really isn’t possible at home.

Limiting communication also means not meeting others often. Stay in touch with others via phone or video call. If you are receiving visitors, the Council of Ministers highly recommends receiving a maximum of one guest of 13 years old or over per day. Also, do not visit any place more than once a day. These measures help stop the virus from spreading. But meeting fewer people is, of course, difficult for everyone. So pay close attention to the people around you, especially people who are sick, lonely, or suffering from psychological problems.

In principle, everyone works at home. Only people who are necessary for the advancement of the business process and who cannot do their work at home are allowed to come to work. This means: the bus driver goes to work, the office worker works entirely from home. The situation today is very worrying. So, review existing agreements about coming to work. Can’t come to work to see colleagues or clients at this time. Employers must ensure that employees who can work from home actually do so. Employees who are required to come to work when it is not necessary can discuss this with their employer.

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Anyone who tested positive for Corona or had direct contact with a person who tested positive for Corona should be isolated. This also applies to people who are traveling to the Netherlands from a high-risk region. And for people who have complaints and are waiting for the test result. But not everyone adheres to the quarantine rules. With the new viral variants, this poses an additional significant risk of spreading the virus. This is why the Cabinet is working on a way to make quarantine mandatory. To this end, preparations are being made to register travelers traveling to the Netherlands and to contact people who have to be quarantined. More information will follow.

Burial services

On the advice of OMT, the government will amend the rules for the maximum number of people present at the funeral. As of Monday, January 25, 2021, a maximum of 50 people may attend the funeral.

Field laboratories

The Council of Ministers also approved the organization of field laboratories. These are practical tests for gathering insights and data about reducing event pollution risk. For two soccer matches, a club show, a business conference, and a concert, what happens when one or more key actions are released. So that we gain insight into people’s capabilities to safely and responsibly visit events in the future.

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