The link between breast cancer and deodorants –

The link between breast cancer and deodorants –

Do antiperspirant deodorants promote breast cancer? This question has been debated in the scientific community for years. A new study, published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, says the aluminum salts in deodorants are likely harmful. The aluminum in deodorants dries out the skin and prevents sweating.

A group of researchers from the Center for Oncology and Hematology and the University of Oxford exposed hamster cells – including those of the mammary gland – to aluminum salts in a test tube. The result: the metal not only penetrates the cells, but also makes the dwarf unstable; Introduction to Cancer, Le Monde writes.

“The study showed that aluminum alters the DNA of cells in ways equivalent to those of the recognized carcinogens, confirming its potential to cause cancer,” emphasizes the Fondation des Grangettes. in a Press release.

Does this mean aluminum deodorant will give you breast cancer? new. But this means that the evidence can be provided at a later time. So it is wise to be careful.

Bronn (nen): the scientist
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