The ideal traits of a successful politician

Four personality traits associated with effective political leadership

March 14, 2022
2022 is a year full of elections. In addition to the local council elections on March 16, presidential elections in France and Germany and local elections in the United Kingdom will also take place this year. So 2022 will be an important year for European elections and the choices that the public will have to make.

The pandemic has not only threatened the health and economy of nations, but has also challenged elections in the democratic world. COVID-19 has affected all aspects of people’s lives and will have a lasting impact on elections and the way the public vote. In this context, the selection of suitable candidates and political leaders is in the hands of the electorate and their affinity with a particular type of politician or leader.

according to Hogan Reviews Strong leadership is necessary to overcome these challenges. Hogan’s science-based ratings, such as Hogan’s character inventorybacked by over 30 years of recognized research. Hogan researchers found that there are four personality traits that potential voters prefer to find attractive in candidates: ambition, personal sensitivity, conscientiousness, and a learning-centric approach.

Leaders who score high on ambition are well-equipped to keep their team productive during a crisis. Ambition measures how well people are directed towards a goal and how active they are. These are leaders who are very confident that they motivate the audience in a decisive way. Hogan’s personality inventory measures the extent to which a person is socially self-aware, possesses leadership characteristics, is competitive and energetic, based on level of ambition.

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interpersonal sensitivity
Hogan’s Personality Inventory uses Personal Sensitivity to measure the extent to which a person is perceived as observant, diplomatic, friendly, considerate, or as someone who calls out people who perform poorly, and as someone willing to accept unpopular views. . High-ranking leaders are friendly, affectionate diplomats and want to avoid conflict. People who can communicate well and provide support and advice in an accessible manner are essential in the political process and this affects how voters make decisions.

The “level of due diligence” is used by Hogan Personality Inventory to measure the factor of reliability or conscientiousness. Personality traits such as process orientation and an eye for detail are also associated with this factor. Voters prefer to vote for leaders who score high on personality traits such as reliability and conscientiousness.
As mentioned earlier, personality has a great influence on electoral behaviour. Hogan’s personality inventory assessments can help determine the right personality for effective political leadership.

Learning-oriented approach
Leaders who score high on this personality trait are resourceful and curious about new and innovative ways to solve problems. Hogan looks at a learning-oriented approach to determine the extent to which a person appears to enjoy learning. This factor takes into account, among other things, creativity, abstract thinking, curiosity, and interest in new experiences and challenges.
“Choosing a charismatic leader may be an obvious choice for the audience to choose a suitable leader if there is not enough information. Charisma is a very attractive trait, but it often leads to less effective leadership. Charismatic leaders usually determine their personal development and humble leaders focus more on the common good in Ultimately, it is precisely humble leadership that produces better results, productivity and efficiency.Leaders who combine humility with adequate self-confidence have been shown to be particularly effective leaders because they are able to build and retain— said Dr. Robert Hogan, founder of Hogan Evaluations.

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