The France Bauer family has to choose: Doros’ brother is seriously ill

The France Bauer family has to choose: Doros’ brother is seriously ill

Frans Bauer and his family have been having a hard time lately. While Mariska is still recovering from a stroke, France now announces that his brother Doros has cancer and is awaiting surgery. The singer has already said that his brother’s illness is a major concern to him.

France broke the bad news at the end of a trip with 150 music friends to Saint-Tropez. The singer received many questions about why his brother Doros did not participate in the trip. telegraph He writes about it on Wednesday. In an article in the weekly Privé, France tells his story.

He says, among other things, that his family is “once again experiencing a great deal of misery”. Frans enjoys a close relationship with his brother Doros. “I have passionate conversations with him. Don’t expect it either, it suddenly comes your way.”

Good odds
The most important thing for France is for his brother to come first. “Doros’s chances are good in and of itself. But I’m still happy when the operation is over and one day he will be told he’s completely cured!”

So Doros will not be seen in the fan booth for the time being, his permanent place in shows by France.

cerebral infarction
At the beginning of January, France’s family was stunned by a cerebral infarction of Mariska. France’s wife is now fully recovering. It remains to be seen what life will look like after a stroke.

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