The company and employees benefit from a four-day work week.

The company and employees benefit from a four-day work week.

The study, which has been described as the largest ever on the subject, involved researchers from the University of Cambridge and Boston College in the United States. The research was conducted between June and December last year. Employees who participated are still being paid in full.

The productivity of these employees does not appear to have deteriorated. In fact, the companies showed a 35 percent increase in turnover compared to the same period last year. Not only the employers benefited, but the employees themselves as well. For example, the number of sleep problems decreased, as did complaints of fatigue and stress.


“We have a lot of happy people, people really having fun,” says Brendan Burchell, professor of sociology at the University of Cambridge. “They really thought it was a bonus to have three days off on the weekend instead of two.”

Fewer people cancel their workday while studying and more new hires. Nine out of ten companies have already indicated that they want to continue working four days a week. “Companies have reported that when there are changes in their earnings or performance, they improve rather than deteriorate,” Burchill added.

The plan for the new working week has also been submitted to the British government. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s spokesman was hesitant for the time being. He noted that there are no plans to introduce a shorter work week.

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