The Arctic may be warming 4 times faster than the rest of the world

In a study published Thursday in the Scientific Bulletin Earth and Environment Communications warning Scientists have said that the Arctic may be warming four times faster than the rest of the world since 1979. This is double previous estimates.

Since that year, Arctic temperatures have risen by about 0.73 degrees Celsius every decade, according to data used by scientists. This is nearly four times the global average of 0.19 degrees. In the region of northern Russia, Novaya Zemlya, the rise was even more dramatic, measuring seven times the global average.

The new study will show that the situation may be more serious than previously thought. In 2021, scientists have already warned that the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the Earth, which was already “worrying” his name was.

I’m not sure yet

The authors of the new study want to be clear: Their calculations will not be definitive proof that the region is warming four times higher than the rest of the world. They would compare their measurements to a computer simulation of the climate, which showed that the four times higher warming according to current climate models almost never occurred.

“Our results suggest that the recent fourfold warming of the Arctic is either an extremely rare event or that climate models tend to systematically underestimate the gains,” the scientists say. Moreover, it will be difficult to make a comparison with climate models, because data measured before 1979 will not be accurate.

Therefore, at best, scientists should revise their climate models. Worst case scenario, on the other hand, they’ve downplayed the scale of the problem so far.

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vicious circle

However, it is known that the Arctic is warming faster. This may be due to a combination of factors. Ocean warming, melting sea ice and even air pollution in Europe are all seen as causes of the problem.

Moreover, the more sea ice melts, the less sunlight is reflected, causing the sea to absorb more heat. As a result, more ice melts, resulting in a vicious cycle.

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