Tens of thousands of healthy young Dutch people are killed by Corona: ‘Goodbye to whomever you are’  Interior

Tens of thousands of healthy young Dutch people are killed by Corona: ‘Goodbye to whomever you are’ Interior

Doctors have sounded the alarm about the long-term health damage caused by Corona. At least tens of thousands of Dutch people still had serious complaints months after they were infected. These are people from 20 to 60 years old, who often became ill at home.

Sander van Meersburgen, Anime van Dongen

Last updated:

Paps (52): “I shed some tears this week. I feel like I’m saying goodbye to whoever I was, what was there.”
Bastian (39): “I’m just as embarrassed as I am now. I’ve been at home for eleven months. It’s terrible not to be a normal father.”
Marlon (29): “There were nights when I thought, ‘I won’t wake up tomorrow. I felt so lonely. It still moves me.'”

Bastien Veen (39 years old) from Nieuw-Lekkerland is a port pilot with three children (3, 7 and 9 years old).  Babs Shiber, 52, from Zuid Sharod, is the principal of four schools in special education and has five children.  Marlon (29) from Brabant lives together and works in a legal position.  The three received the Corona in March 2020.

Bastien Veen (39 years old) from Nieuw-Lekkerland is a port pilot with three children (3, 7 and 9 years old). Babs Shiber, 52, from Zuid Sharod, is the principal of four schools in special education and has five children. Marlon (29 years old) from Brabant lives together and works in a legal position. The three received the Corona in March 2020. © Marco Okuisen

Every day, we hear in the news the number of people infected with Corona. How many patients have IC and how many have died from it. But how many people get sick and can’t be cured? You hardly hear anyone about it. Research from this site shows that physiotherapists treat at least 28,000 conditions. The NHG GP estimates the number so far at 40,000, hence most of the people from the second wave are yet to come.

The consequences are dire. We spoke to young men, athletes, who were previously healthy and whose lives were ruined. Doctors involved in aftercare for this growing group say it is an underexposed problem and largely misunderstood. For young people in particular, the chance that Corona affects them in this way is much greater than that they will end up in hospital because of the virus.

Bastian Fenn, 39, is a port pilot with three children. Babs Scheiber, 52, is the principal of four schools and has five children. Marlon (29 years old) from Brabant lives together and has a legal position. The three received the Coronavirus in March 2020. The disease had completely knocked them out. Read their story below.

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