Susan Janssen and Tia Hillhurst were appointed as members of the KNAW

Susan Janssen and Tia Hillhurst were appointed as members of the KNAW

Thea Hillhurst is Professor of Humanities at the International Institute for Social Studies. Her research focuses on humanitarian crises resulting from disasters and conflicts and examines their impact on people, organizations or societies.

It has also developed methods for scientists undertaking fieldwork in dangerous or politically unstable regions. It is also committed to policy, providing advice to international organizations and activism. Through her membership in KNAW, she wants to use her expertise to give researchers in crisis countries access to knowledge from international science.

Media, culture and society

Research by Susan Janssen, Professor of Sociology of Media and Culture at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, is about media, culture and society. For example, it conducts research on the impact of digitization and globalization on the cultural sector, social and cultural differences in media use and culture consumption.

Janssen has led many large international research projects and is currently the consortium chair in the European Research Program Horizon 2020. In addition, she has successfully devoted herself to international education, for example the Dean of Construction in the International Bachelor in Communication and Media.


KNAW was established in 1808 as an advisory body to the government and is seen as the voice and conscience of science in the Netherlands. The community provides both needed and unwanted advice on science policy. Membership is for distinguished scholars and is seen as a tribute to a scientific career. Janssen and Hilhorst, along with 21 new Academy members, will be installed in September.

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