Super Mario Bros.  The wonder is Mario’s revenge – not in three, but in two dimensions ★★★★☆

Super Mario Bros. The wonder is Mario’s revenge – not in three, but in two dimensions ★★★★☆

Super Mario Bros.  Wonder, released on October 20, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch.  Nintendo image

Super Mario Bros. Wonder, released on October 20, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch.Nintendo image

Mario also has to reinvent himself every now and then: since the 80s, the cheerful Italian plumber with a mustache has been running from left to right on our screens, jumping on monsters to save Princess Peach from the evil Bowser. So when he met Mario in 1996 Super Mario 64 I reached the third dimension for the first time, the entire design from left to right looked dated, and 3D masterpieces took over Super Mario Odyssey They highlighted that.

Super Mario Bros Wonder, released Friday for the Nintendo Switch, is 2D Mario’s Revenge at its best, with humor, packed levels, beautiful music, and animation. It is not unimportant that up to four players can play the game simultaneously.

Surprises appear from every corner of the screen as Mario tries to save Bowser’s “Flower Kingdom”: fantastic monsters constantly throw themselves at the player, and an ancient fossil that Mario jumps onto and waits in an inaccessible place suddenly comes to life. The surprised flower looks at the player and asks, “How did you get here?”

Super Mario Bros.  miracle.  Nintendo image

Super Mario Bros Wonder.Nintendo image

A “Miracle Flower” is hidden in each level, which turns the rules of the world upside down: the places of land and water change, the player suddenly takes control of the bad guy or the hectic world suddenly stops, and Mario must then pass through. By quietly.Enemies sneak up.

He wonders Although it abandons the famous third dimension, it buys new ways to experience the Mario world. For example, this game offers two “pins” that Mario can pin at the beginning of a level to gain a certain reward: one gives the player a second jump, while the other has Mario throw a vine out of his sleeve to act as Spider-Man. To be able to fly through the level. The game keeps asking, “What can you discover the next time you put a different pin?”

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The game wouldn’t be the least able to support all of these ideas and variables, however He wonders It does so seemingly effortlessly. It never forces itself on you, and with a great variety of easy and harder levels, it’s the perfect game to play quietly on the sofa with friends or family. Kids can also participate: play as Yoshi or Nabbit, and they won’t get hurt.

Super Mario Bros Wonder
Nintendo Switch

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