Study confirms EU leadership in open science

Study confirms EU leadership in open science

With a steady increase over the years and an average success rate of 83 per cent of open access to scientific publications, the European Commission is the leading research and innovation funder, concludes the consortium of analysis firm PPMI (Lithuania), Research and Innovation Center Athens (Greece) and Maastricht University (Netherlands) ).

Main results for studying It suggests that the European Commission’s early leadership in open science policy has paid off. Pillar of “excellent science” in Horizon 2020 Europe’s scholarship program – led the success story, with an open access rate of 86 percent. Among the top candidates in this pillar are the European Research Council (ERC) and the Future or Emerging Technologies (FET) program with open access rates of more than 88 percent.

Ad Notten, Information Specialist and Merit Researcher at UN University: “We have been an advocate of open access publishing for over fifteen years and have led many large studies focusing on open access, including one on Creative Commons and one funded by the Wikimedia Foundation. We believe that research results that are paid for with government money should be freely available to the general public and (reusable) to the broader scientific community.

According to Notten, this concerns not only the publications, but also the research data, the latter being the point of interest in the current study. In collaboration with Maastricht University, UNU-Merit wants Open Access and Principles of FAIR Expand within its scholarly community and broader network to support the principle of academic integrity through research and data of high quality and reproducible.

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The average cost of an open access article is around 2,200 euros.

In terms of article processing costs (APCs), the study estimated the average cost in Horizon 2020 to publish an open access article around €2,200. The average cost for APCs for articles published in “hybrid” journals (which would not qualify under Horizon Europe) is €2,600.

Comply with the obligation to publish open access publications in a The repository (even when published open access through a journal) is relatively high (81.9 percent), indicating that the current deposit policy is well understood and implemented by researchers.

In terms of licensing, 49 percent of Horizon 2020 publications are published with Creative Commons (CC) licenses, which allow reuse (with varying levels of restrictions), while 33 percent use publisher-specific licenses that restrict text and data mining (TDM).

Institutional repositories have responded satisfactorily to the challenge of providing FAIR access to their publications by adapting internal processes and metadata to accommodate necessary changes: 95 percent of repositories have some type of persistent identifier in their metadata (PID).

data sets

Datasets in repositories meet the requirements only to a limited extent: only about 39 percent of datasets deposited in Horizon 2020 are discoverable (i.e. metadata contains the PID and URL of the data file), and only about 32 percent of datasets deposited are accessible ( i.e. the data file can be retrieved using the URL link in the metadata). We hope that Horizon Europe can achieve better results.

The study also revealed gaps in the existing Horizon 2020 open access monitoring data, making it more difficult to assess compliance. Self-reporting by beneficiaries also revealed a number of problems.

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In conjunction with the study, the Commission made the entire dataset underlying the open access publication on Data Europa EU, and made a description of the database and a Data Management Plan (DMP) publicly available for use and reuse.

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