Stranger Things Season 5 takes a big risk

Stranger Things Season 5 takes a big risk

Filming the final season of Weird things It will start in May 2023. However, the Hollywood strike has also shed light on Netflix’s amazing work.

Since the strike is still ongoing, there is a risk that actors will overstep their roles. The filmmakers could choose to jump forward in time, but this might make the ending feel rushed.

Ban on production

Season 4 ended with a huge cliffhanger, leaving the audience with a lot of questions. As a result of the strike, filming is still not allowed to begin. Compared to the end of season four Weird things In time, you’ll end up with “very old” heroes.

Previously, fan theories online have discussed the possibilities of time travel and jumping forward in time. Although this speculation hasn’t received much attention, the Duffer Brothers hinted at the possibility to TVLine in 2022.


However, there are quite a few hurdles associated with this approach. This solves the age difference, but you risk climaxing. Although the burning questions are answered, there is a chance that it will end Weird things becomes pale.

For example, things are clarified through dialogues that also take place months later. This will come as a huge disappointment to legions of fans of the beloved series.

Where do you see?

In the meantime, you can watch Seasons 1 through 4 Weird things a look at Netflix.

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