Spectacular Easter celebrations are celebrated in Central America

Easter is a very important time for most Catholics in Central America. Festive atmosphere is the hallmark of this year. It was an emotional color burst. You can find real processions, including dogs in disguise, gastronomic feasts and incredible festivals unknown to us in Europe. Exciting experience for tourists.


Easter traditions going through the stomach. Belizeans celebrate this important holiday with active events such as the much-anticipated Holy Saturday cycling or horse racing; Unforgettable traditions between festivals and art; And traditional Easter dishes such as Garifuna Sere Soup and Cross Buns. The main religious festival is held at the Penguin Vizo del Carmen, where the cast gathers to perform an impressive performance surrounded by colored wood carpets.

Costa Rica

Purple crosses the ocean of traditions. Enjoying ‘Pura Vita’ at Easter means giving more importance to customs, traditions and traditions as a Christian nation. When the streets are lined with purple wooden crosses, processions of Cristo de las Promesas (Cartago) or Cuna (30 km from San Jose) are recommended. Be rich at events, masses, parades, processions and small festivals, don’t forget to taste the chiver or attend the fish festival.

El Salvador

Traditions that cleanse your sins. For more than 100 years, the traditional theatrical performance of Los Tolstoy Queens, meaning “devil men”, has been performed every Holy Monday. Dressed in red robes and hoods, they walk the streets of Texistepec in Santa Ana, beating the parishioners with leather ropes. Every scourge must reduce the sin of a believer. Many prostitutes are severely beaten. At the end of the act, the aides see the final battle between good and evil, which is dramatized between the Tolkiens, who are eventually defeated by Jesus.

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Maximum special at the world’s largest Easter festival. With its ancestral tradition of religious festivals, Guatemala is hosting the largest festival in the world this year, especially in Antigua Guatemala. The highlight of each procession is a large float dedicated to the display of the sentiments of Christ, carried by the most faithful in the colorful atmosphere caused by the carpets. Finally, do not miss Guatemala Easter, which is considered the largest celebration of all Central American countries.


In the list of exquisite cultural heritage. Believers disguised with the dances, theatrical performances, music or masks and colorful costumes of the Corpus Christi Festival inspired Panama to add the festival to its list of exquisite cultural heritage. Although verbal expressions, knowledge and craft techniques about nature and the universe are also evident. It is characterized by promoting integration. Great experience for those coming to Panama.


Very real Easter festival. In addition to its strong religious traditions, Nicaragua has its own true customs that make Holy Week a very special celebration. You can attend a traditional parade 350 years ago with ancient Popoyuapa pilgrims drawn by oxen and horses, where they can hold more than 400 carriages to celebrate the Jesús del Rescate reaching Popoyuapa Temple; For the celebration of San Lazaro in Masaya, hundreds of disguised dogs gather in the church of Santa Maria Magdalena, or procession to see the curious Via Crucis de los Islados (Sacot). The lake between the 14 islands was selected.


Carpets and cooking traditions. Holy Week in Honduras is still dominated by the Christian faith, and Gomayagu carpets represent the essence of tradition, spirituality and reflection. The event, which adorns the streets with carpets decorated with colored sand and lime, rice and flower petals, makes these works a wonderful experience. But despite all this, culinary traditions are the main ingredient of this religious celebration.

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Dominican Republic

Celebrating Holy Week in the Dominican Republic marks a unique tropical turn in the religious and secular celebrations of Holy Week. Traditional sweet beans today are a symbol of the island’s gastronomy because they are part of the “meat-free menu” in which parishioners are invited to seek wealth and make sacrifices. It is usually served on Good Friday afternoon, after the burning of Judas.

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