South African court revokes former president Zuma’s medical leave

South African court revokes former president Zuma’s medical leave

Former South African President Jacob Zuma has to go back to prison. The court in Pretoria revoked his sick leave. Zuma became early September Liberation due to ill health. Prison authorities said he needed several surgeries.

But the court is now ruling that Zuma should not be released, even if he remains under strict supervision. In addition, the time served by Zuma will not be deducted from his prison sentence. This means he still has to spend 13 months in prison.

Zuma was sentenced to 15 months in prison for contempt of the rule of law. He had refused to cooperate in an investigation into corruption practices under his presidency from 2009 to 2018. Critics accused the former leader of using his medical problems as a pretext for his earlier release.

riots and looting

Despite the conviction, the former president remains very popular among the population. Zuma’s arrest sparked widespread rioting and looting in July, resulting in the deaths of 300 South Africans.

These riots took place in Gauteng Province, the most important part of the country both economically and politically. There were also riots in KwaZulu-Natal, where Zuma comes.

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