Solidaridad supports agroforestry in Latin America and Africa

Solidaridad supports agroforestry in Latin America and Africa

Solidarity + Latin% 2 DA Supports + Agriculture + in + USA + and + Africa


© Bernal Saborio /

Solidaridad, a development organization, has partnered with Rabobank to help farmers in Latin America and Africa make their crops more flexible. Planting trees should protect their gardens against more extreme weather.

Under the scheme, one lakh small farmers will plant additional trees on their land. An example is the planting of tall shade trees between coffee bushes in gardens. Trees protect coffee and soil from high temperatures, heavy rains and sun. The shade improves the quality of the coffee and the fresh trees yield fruits and nuts.

As new plantings catch CO2, farmers can earn extra income. Participants are registered on a digital site called Acorn. Satellite technology connected to the site measures the growth of trees.

This growth of biomass is converted into multiple carbon credits. Companies buy these carbon credits via the platform for at least 20 euros. Of this 16 euro goes directly to the farmer. In this way, agricultural entrepreneurs can finance climate-wise agriculture and they have more money for housing and health care.

It Project Solidaridad’s national code is supported by lottery with a contribution of 12.7 million euros.

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