The herbicide glyphosate was found in more than half of the semen samples
More than 55% of semen samples taken from a French fertility clinic contained high levels
More than 55% of semen samples taken from a French fertility clinic contained high levels
Yes, there your chip goes. Not for your mouth, but for the floor you haven’t
Friday 17 May, at 17:03 general Read 145 times ROTTERDAM – Dozens of professors
“This is a terrestrial planet that can best be described as Io on steroids,” astrophysicist
On May 16 we celebrate World Celiac Day. Celiac disease is a condition caused by
Need doctor. “This report clearly shows that there has been uneven global progress in health
The object is officially known as IRAS 23077+6707 or simply IRAS 23077. It is about
“Vitamin D regulates cancer immunity via the microbiome. Another reason we don’t apply Factor 50
Hearing that the world’s temperature will rise by three degrees does not mean much to
Until about thirty years ago, the hypothesis was very likely: planets must also orbit other