Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin auctioned unique items from his space career
This jacket from Buzz Aldrin will be under the hammer on Tuesday afternoon.AFP photo From
This jacket from Buzz Aldrin will be under the hammer on Tuesday afternoon.AFP photo From
Prefer to throw the dead spider in the garbage as soon as possible. But this
Children are young scientists by nature: they are born with intrinsic curiosity, form hypotheses about
Sciences•25 Jul 22 19:36author: Remy Cook Can we really understand the universe? Science journalist Jovert
AP NOS . News•Saturday, 09:44 Starting in the fall, threatened scientists should be able to
Mites are everywhere, even in our pores. They often do a good job, and in
The stool that Hondelink examines comes from sewers in Delft. In a sense, it owes
(Video: Leiden European Science City 2022). This year, Leiden is the European Science City, the
The study of weather is a science in itself, but weather gods also influence many
The County of Groningen, together with the Department of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), has