Science Weekend 2022: Back to the site, events across the Netherlands

Science Weekend 2022: Back to the site, events across the Netherlands

The first and second days of October 2022 are all about science. Science Weekend takes place at various venues across the Netherlands. Universities and libraries, as well as KNMI and RIVM open their doors to the public. What is there to do?

What is Science Weekend?

This initiative was created to draw attention to science in a low-threshold manner. Visitors young and old, ages 8 to 88, can take a look at the places that normally remain closed. This could be a lab, but it’s also a restoration room in a museum. In 2022, this will not always be done remotely and via live broadcast. Most of the affected sites have reopened to the public.

New: 9 hotspots

8 Dutch cities have so-called hotspot sites, where many activities are located within a short distance of each other. Two science weekend hotspots can be found in Utrecht. In the Utrecht Science Park Utrecht University will open its doors and you can learn about various disciplines. In addition, the Hubrecht Institute, the Westerdijk Institute and Regenerative Medicine Utrecht (RMU) work together under the name In the depths!

on it Amsterdam Science ParkThe university, which specializes in science, is also opening its doors. Moreover in the north of Holland is the former sea yard Willemsor in Den Helder to visit. On the other side of Afsluitdijk you can go to Friesland | Leeuwarden and with Zspand Zernike in Groningen. The University of Groningen, which has a branch in Leeuwarden, also participates in the Science Weekend.

The last 3 hotspots can be found in the south of the country. The Zeeland Library in Middleburg It’s a one-off kids’ lab (where you’re of course very welcome too). The Railway District in Tilburg Combines nature and scientific research. During the science weekend, you can also visit Limburg. industrial complex Kemelot in Jilin Holds an open day.

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More Science Weekend Recommendations

In addition to the hot spots, there are many possibilities during the science weekend. For example, consider the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam, the Bootbouwschool in Broek op Langedijk, the University of Maastricht, the Seal Center in Pieterburen, or the Hunebed Center in Borger. And if you’re in (near) Utrecht hotspots, KNMI can be reached in De Bilt as well. On the other hand, RIVM (Bilthoven) offers only virtual visits.

more information

On the Weekend of Science website, you will find Hotspot informationAll Participating agencies And the Interactive map with all the activities near you. Would you like to visit one or more activities? In this case, check if it will be held on October 1, 2022 only, on October 2, 2022, or on both days. All of the above activities are free, but some require pre-registration.

(Source: Weekend of Science 2022, Quest, Noordkop Region. Photo: Weekend of Science 2022)

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