Scandal after scandal in the British Parliament: “You are not corrupt”

Scandal after scandal in the British Parliament: “You are not corrupt”

This is how prominent MPs have earned it Jeffrey Cox Millions as a lawyer, but they addressed the British Parliament once last year. Votes on bills remotely. From the tax haven of the Virgin Islands.

Climate Summit overwhelmed

“The UK is not a corrupt country,” Boris Johnson said yesterday at the climate summit in Glasgow. The focus should have been on the danger of global warming and Britain as a savior for climate owners.

But Johnson can no longer avoid the scandal that has been brewing in Westminster for days. Speaking to the international press, Johnson emphasized that “British MPs who break parliamentary rules will be punished”.

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The uproar began when conservative Owen Patterson was found to have violated lobbying rules late last month. The deputy worked as a consultant for a medical company that won multi-million dollar contracts with the government to supply test materials during the pandemic. To make matters worse, Patterson used his office in Westminster for his second job. This is against parliamentary rules.

The Parliamentary Integrity Commission ruled in a clear conflict of interest. Paterson has been banned for a month. But Prime Minister Johnson jumped into the gap for his party colleague. Try to delay Patterson’s comment Avoid quitting By reviewing the rules for side posts. Johnson even won a vote in the House of Commons to change the rules.

Meanwhile, criticism grew. Opposition leader Keir Starmer accused Johnson of nepotism and allowing corruption. There was also discontent with Johnson’s own party. “Simply put, it is wrong for powerful people to be able to make the rules for themselves,” said Governor Kevin Hollenrik. Patterson eventually saw no other way out and quit.

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More revelations

But the British media did not leave it there. This was followed by a week of revelations. The Sunday Times reports that wealthy entrepreneurs who donate £3m to the Conservative Party could be awarded a title of nobility and a place in the British House of Lords. The matter is now with the police.

Watchman He noted that 90 of the 360 ​​Conservative MPs earn significant extra income from a second job. This is in front of some Labor Party deputies. Prime Minister Johnson has also lost credibility. Because he advertised his free vacation to Spain in a luxury villa for a political friend?

These discoveries are causing enormous damage to the reputation of Johnson’s Conservative Party. The so-called Conservatives are traditionally seen as an elitist party. The party of the rich who keep each other’s hands over their heads. As early as 1925, the law forbade the “purchase” of a title of nobility. But many Britons now believe that little has changed.

Side jobs have not been canceled

Boris Johnson is avoiding confrontation as much as possible this week. He missed the debate about politicians’ side jobs. Instead, he preferred to visit a hospital in Northumberland. During the climate summit, he eventually defended his party members and promised to deal with fellow rule-breakers.

But he added today: Abolishing second jobs for British MPs is not an option at the present time.

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