Sauna expert Laura Lenders van Bussloo The best watering can in the world |  Apeldoorn

Sauna expert Laura Lenders van Bussloo The best watering can in the world | Apeldoorn

videoLaura Linders, sauna instructor at Thermen Bussloo Wellness Resort, is the new world champion in water pouring. The lenders earned this title on Saturday evening during the World Cup for Casting, which was held in the sauna in Boslo.

At the brand new sauna theater on Thermen Bussloo, the world’s best sauna masters competed for the title for a week. The international field attracted participants ‘filled toppers’ from Poland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Hungary, Romania and The first this year is Japan. They qualified for the World Cup in Forrest municipality through the preliminary rounds.


They are shows full of light and sound effects, but that’s all about the flow. Pouring water over hot coals in a sauna releases steam, which increases the humidity in the sauna. Sauna masters add scents and wave towels to spread scents throughout the sauna.

All sauna masters were evaluated by an international jury in various aspects such as subject matter, aromas/dosage and technique.

home match

With my infusion program, “Two Blue Lines” lenders received the highest jury rating. For lenders it was a home game, as she serves as founder at Thermen Bussloo. Earlier this year I became The best pourer in the Netherlands.

In the teams category, the World Cup title went to the Italian duo Simone Manelli and Massimo Gili. Carleen van den Heuvel, Dylan Kidman and Rene Dos van Thermen Suesterberg took the bronze.

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The lenders’ show can be seen more frequently in the coming weeks at Thermen Bussloo’s Sauna Theater. Admission is included in the day ticket to Thermen.

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