Rob Goossens: ‘Duncan Lawrence needs a course in saying no’

Rob Goossens: ‘Duncan Lawrence needs a course in saying no’

Duncan pushed back the release of his album a week early, because he had completely passed it. But the day after he made his announcement, he got on a plane to Seville for a recording Dear singers. “I thought it was so weird that you apparently went through it that you really have to pull the emergency brake and the first thing you do after that is get on the plane to work,” says Rob Goossens on the latest episode of our podcast. It got even crazier when Mart Hogekamer also announced that he had reached his limits. Dear singers canceled.”

So why wouldn’t Duncan do this? Duncan seems like he needs a course in saying no, because as fun as it is, if you can’t anymore, you shouldn’t. Dear singers Rob said.

His co-host Bridget Masland thinks otherwise. “In principle, he had already prepared for this. You can also see it as a fun encounter. A beautiful journey in which you do what you can do best, which is sing.” Bridget also believes that Duncan does not want to let the crew down, as extensive preparation preceded the programme.

Rob has another theory why Duncan can’t release his album, but he can participate in it Dear singers. “What I wouldn’t rule out is that it also plays a part that Water Hardy did on this album in part. Which, of course, doesn’t work very well.”

Futter performed the Eurovision hit “Arcade” with Duncan. But then he said he was treated very badly by Duncan and his then coach, Ilsie DeLange. A few years later, it worked out again and they started making music together for Duncan’s new album. “Then the error happened again,” Rob sums up. “I understand that if you had worked together so extensively, it would have been a very emotionally charged album release.”

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