Rare birth at the zoo: Puma gives birth to an albino cub |  outside

Rare birth at the zoo: Puma gives birth to an albino cub | outside

In Juigalpa, Nicaragua, a white puma was born in a zoo. As far as is known, it is only one of four albino cougars found worldwide.

At Thomas Belt’s zoo, there was a party four weeks ago when a white, not a dusky, cougar was born. According to veterinarian Carlos Molina, who works at the zoo, only three such cases have been recorded.

Although the cub is healthy and eating well, he warns that the animal is still very young. Because white cougars are so exposed to sunlight, gardeners take extra care. And they don’t know the gender yet.

Nicaragua is located in Central America. Cougars are found throughout most of the Americas, from the high Andes region of southern Peru to the jungles of Central America. And in the eastern half of North America, they’re almost all gone.

The mother also gave birth to three cubs. The other two are yellow-brown with spots. They are allowed to be seen by the public when they are about three months old.

Mother with her young.
Mother with her young. © Reuters

Cougars are found throughout most of the Americas, from the high Andes region of southern Peru to the jungles of Central America.
Cougars are found throughout most of the Americas, from the high Andes region of southern Peru to the jungles of Central America. © AFP

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