Potential gym extensions, not all gym owners are happy

Potential gym extensions, not all gym owners are happy

Another press conference tonight. If we are to believe “beginners,” we don’t hear much about it. Possible relaxation of gyms, but not all owners of the gym are happy with this.

In fact, if these sports relaxation options were truly introduced, not all gym owners would benefit from them. This is because it will mainly be about exercising outside. Gyms rely on their location to organize this, says Ronald Waters of the NL Actief affiliate. If you are in the city center then there is no space for that, but maybe an industrial area. This means that any expansions will create an unequal playing field for the gyms. “

Outdoor sports in groups for adults from 27 years old are still banned, but today the Cabinet is deciding whether to allow all age groups.

Outdoor sports

Additionally, not all gyms have surrounding gyms. This means that they need permission from the landowner to organize outdoor activities there. A Fit For Free spokesperson says this makes communication with members more difficult. Because: We have 123 branches. In some locations it is possible to arrange an exemption, but not in the vast majority. “

“A quick fix,” said a spokesperson for the women’s fitness chain Curves calling for the potential expansion. However, Curves chooses to use new capabilities, even if it is only as an auxiliary service for members. “Outdoor sports are not a complete show for our members. But it is better than nothing.”

Gyms have been closed since December due to the Coronavirus. Since the start of this month, outdoor sports in groups for people up to the age of 27 have been allowed again, but only in the vicinity of sports facilities.

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Want to watch the press conference tonight? This is possible via our live broadcast.

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Today, there were also cases of corona: 3,924 new infections between yesterday and today. He. She National Institute for Health and the Environment (RIVM) has reported a fairly steady number of coronavirus infections per day in recent weeks. That’s an average of about 4,500. On Mondays and Tuesdays, the number of new cases is lower than this average, because fewer people test themselves over the weekends. Over the course of the week, the number of new cases exceeded this average.

Hospital occupancy increased. The number of Corona patients in Dutch hospitals has decreased for five consecutive days, but that is now over. At the moment, 1,905 people have been admitted with Corona infection. That’s 54 more than yesterday, reports the National Patient Distribution Coordination Center (LCPS).

558 of them are in intensive care, 13 more compared to the previous day. It is the first time in nearly two weeks that this number has exceeded 550. There are now 1,347 coronavirus patients in nursing wards, an increase of 41 in the past 24 hours.

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Potential gym extensions, but not all gym owners are happy

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