Pauline Wengelaar takes action: ‘Always ask if you’re pregnant’

Pauline Wengelaar takes action: ‘Always ask if you’re pregnant’

Pauline told the magazine that she’s struggled with her weight her entire life and that she often uses “no time” as an excuse not to have to exercise, especially after the kids are born. After carrying her daughter Belle, who was born prematurely and died, she weighed 85 kilograms. “After losing Bill, I blame myself for things,” says Pauline. “You start to wonder if this would happen if you were less stressed and lived a healthier life.”

Pauline suffers from PCOS, a glitch in her hormonal system. “It’s more common in women who are overweight,” says the mum. “This was also a reason to try to get to a healthier weight.”

Since Pauline not only wants to lose weight, but also to feel better about herself, she decides to change her lifestyle. “It worked, because I’ve been doing it for a few months now, and I notice I feel more confident,” says Pauline proudly.

The reality star may still lose a few kilos, but she is already very proud of her current result. Pauline is particularly happy with her legs. Her stomach is still a big uncertainty. “On vacation I was sitting in a chaise longue,” Pauline says. “A woman came up to me and said, ‘Girl, I’m so glad after all the misery around Bill you’re finally pregnant again. ‘” “So I wasn’t.”

Read the rest of the interview? the new Happy in shape It will be in stores from tomorrow.

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