Norwegian oil and gas strike ends after government mediation

Norwegian oil and gas strike ends after government mediation

Photo: ANP

The Norwegian oil and gas workers’ strike will be ended as soon as possible. This is done after mediation by the government of the Scandinavian country. The parties agreed to a proposal to assess the dispute between unions and employers by the Compulsory Wages Commission. The strike began on Tuesday.

“There is no justification for allowing a halt in gas production as much as this strike threatens in the coming days,” Labor and Social Inclusion Minister Martti Magus Persen said. “Production will collapse dramatically and this is very important in a situation where the European Union and the United Kingdom are completely dependent on energy cooperation with Norway.” Mjøs Persen said she had no choice to intervene.

Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Europe is trying to become less dependent on Russian gas. So Norway increased its production, but the strike endangered supplies. And that’s just when Russia turned off the gas tap on Germany, the European country most dependent on Russia for gas supplies, it paused a bit.

See also  The US and UK are cutting off Russian oil and gas, but can Europe do it too?

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