No Fence or Boundaries: The Extensions Offender Mr.  Frank Visser

No Fence or Boundaries: The Extensions Offender Mr. Frank Visser

Mr. In the second episode of the season, Visser was on his way to Ilse, where hair extensions were set for 540 euros at the Cenitha salon. However, after a few months, her gorgeous blonde hair turned into a huge mess. The hairdresser in question, Snitha, does not understand at all. She says she did everything she could to make Ilse beautiful hairdo to reach. According to Snytha, it must be Elsie herself. So it’s time for mr. It is easy to sort this conflict down to the last details.

And it starts with presenter Viktor Brand getting a story from Ilse, who says she ended up in Cenitha via Instagram. In total, she paid $540 for her long locks, which only lasted two months before they dried out and fell out. So she wants her money back, and also preferably compensated (495 euros) for the new extensions she put elsewhere. She tells her side of the story: “I just broke up.” “I paid for something I didn’t get, I just want my money back. It’s crying. I’m really crying.”

Cenitha does not recognize herself in the story at all. According to her, she did everything in the book, but Ilse spoiled the extensions by not using the right products she recommended. Meanwhile, the two of them were barely on each other’s hair and it was time for the master. A hunter to get a brush through the struggle.

At a hair salon in Hilversum they get into a showdown. “I am upset that I paid €540 for a product that I only enjoyed for a very short time,” Ilse repeats again, convinced Cenitha did not use real hair. However, the expert does not agree with Mr. So Visser takes this into account in his decision. But since Cenitha sold the extensions under a different name and thus did not comply with the legal obligation, Ilse is entitled to a refund. Cenitha in turn restores the old extensions, but whether she is happy about it …

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Mr. Frank Visser makes a statement It can be watched every Thursday at 8.30pm on SBS6. Watch this week’s episode here Back.

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