Newest Nintendo Switch Online Game + Expansion Pack Has a Serious Bug – Games – News

Kirby 64: The crystal shards of the adapter will contain a. at some point Bug Breaking Game Forcing players to leave the game and return to the previous tutelage. The game is part of the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack subscription service.

multiple users Report That if Kirby is hit by an enemy in an underwater level, he can get stuck in the “blow” animation, after which the character can do nothing and must be returned to the previous save. Users say that it took them several attempts and cases to get past the error. Another user says it took 45 minutes to get past this point.

Those in the thread who have experienced this shortcoming wonder how Nintendo got past this. Also, users reported that they do not remember this error from the original game on the original devices. This Tweakers editor also played the N64 version of the game at the time and doesn’t remember the bug either. So it looks like he got acquainted with the simulation.

Platformer Kirby 64: Crystal Shards has been available on the Nintendo Switch subscription service since Friday. With some regularity, Nintendo 64 and Sega Mega Drive games have been added to the subscription, which costs €39.99 per year and, as the name suggests, also includes Switch online services.

And this isn’t the first time that Nintendo 64 games have been available for the Switch technical problems Struggle. For example, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time had performance issues, input lag, and missing effects like fog and reflections. Work is being done on such issuesbut it is unclear whether all have been resolved yet.

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