Netanyahu is close to settling the corruption issue.  The end of political life threatens |  abroad

Netanyahu is close to settling the corruption issue. The end of political life threatens | abroad

The biggest sticking point is the legal statement that Netanyahu engaged in “immoral behaviour”. Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit insists, but the former prime minister refuses to agree because this seal automatically means he is not allowed to participate in politics for seven years. This would almost certainly mean the end of his career for the 72-year-old politician. A possible compromise is for the judges to decide whether he has engaged in unethical behaviour. Mandelblit is confident they will.


Netanyahu had always refused to compromise and was determined to prove his innocence in court. But after a series of incriminating affidavits from one witness and the pending testimony of another former partner, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister ever, at the request of his attorney, will hear back. However, his wife and children are against him.

Hundreds of protesters gathered at the Mandelblit home last weekend. They believe that justice must be served. However, the attorney general will retire at the end of this month and his last-minute conviction will pay him back against Netanyahu. Pepe realizes that the deal with his successor may be more difficult.


Netanyahu is being tried in three cases. He is accused of taking expensive gifts and promoting a merger in exchange for positive coverage from one of the country’s largest news websites. By reaching a settlement, he will avoid a prison sentence, but will put his legacy in jeopardy.

The legal battle, which may be settled with a deal as early as this week, is being followed closely by the current government. Analysts say the coalition of eight different parties will come under severe pressure if Netanyahu leaves. Then, the right-wing parties that refused to engage with Likud, including the right of incumbent Prime Minister Bennett, will be forced to return to the arms of their traditional partner.

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