Nature today | The beak of the insects that gave the species their names in the picture

This is then: Pseudaufidus trifasciatusa species of cicada described in 1957 by Leiden entomologist and coordinator HC Blain. The cicada in the photo is not just a specimen of this type, it is so called holotype: The specimen used to describe the original species that Blavery made. It is the first of its kind to be given this name and, as it were, the representative of this species for mankind; In the scientific sense, it is Pseudaufidus trifasciatus.

The original Pseudaufidus trifasciatus, a species of cicada first described by H.C. Blöte in 1957


“At Naturalis, we work hard to make our scientific collection digitally available, including genetic information.” Says collection manager Max Caspers. “Total phenotypes have been given the highest priority. Beaked insects—a group that includes cicadas and aphids, among others—are the first to go. Naturalis has several hundred thousand of these, including about 750 holotypes.”

The core of the group

Thus, group manager Max Caspers and his team go through all the copies with red holotype stickers one by one. They will be recorded, photographed and taken samples for DNA testing in the future. When the team is ready, they all come together really well. There is a lot of demand for these samples of science. “These species constitute the core of the group and the basis for the naming of nature.”

Samples are photographed, recorded and stored in a Naturalis collection tower

more information

  • with the site vital gate You can search through information about samples and types of collection collected by Naturalis and other Dutch organizations.
  • More information about the group itself can be found at Naturalis موقع site.

Text and images: Natural Biodiversity Center

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