MS patient Rasul (25 years old) makes a comeback after special treatment in Mexico: “He can walk again without a walker” |  Almelo

MS patient Rasul (25 years old) makes a comeback after special treatment in Mexico: “He can walk again without a walker” | Almelo

Special treatment in Mexico was onerous. But for multiple sclerosis patient Rasul Al-Jubouri (25 years old), all his efforts were not in vain. on the contrary. The decline has stopped. He can literally get back on his feet. Rasul cannot believe his luck and trust in the future again. “I have life again.”

Rasul is sitting on the bed in his bedroom. Clearly, he straightens up and stands up. He laughs, his look has something victorious in it. And the young Almelo compatriot has every reason to do so. Because not long ago he could only get out of bed with great difficulty. “I always had to hold on really hard, otherwise I would fall back onto the bed.” Even more stands out immediately. Messenger can also talk better again. “This is what the doctors said after the first chemotherapy,” he says, beaming.

Very expensive treatment

How turbulent his life had been until recently. Rasoul – of Iraqi origin – has been suffering from the debilitating disease multiple sclerosis (MS) for five years. An incurable disease that affects the nervous system. Things went slowly for him. He tired easily and could only walk short distances using a walker. But Rasul did not give up. He discovered that there were special treatments for MS in Mexico. Stem cell transplant. But high costs of €75,000, including travel and hotels, were a major hurdle. The Friends of 't Hookhoes Foundation turned out to be their “saving angel.” There was a lot of money during the annual herring party.

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good food

So Rasul left for Mexico City at the end of September. He boarded the plane full of excitement, but also hope and optimism.

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