MMA legend Conor McGregor supports ailing Robbie Hackman: ‘I’m praying for you’

MMA legend Conor McGregor supports ailing Robbie Hackman: ‘I’m praying for you’

Terminally ill kickboxer Robbie ‘The Rabbit’ Hackman from Newnan receives a heartfelt support from MMA legend Conor McGregor. McGregor has 46.8 million followers on Instagram. Hackman wanted McGregor to share his campaign to raise funds for a cure in America. “I’m praying for you, Robbie,” the world-renowned martial artist writes in a personal message to Hackman.

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“He’s a big reach,” Robbie Hackman replies. “If everyone gives one euro, you are a multi-millionaire. Then you can help a lot of people. Even if everyone donates 1 cent, you get 4.5 tons.

Robbie Hageman is a two-time world kickboxing champion. A brain tumor was discovered by chance in 2019. This was after he was knocked out in a kickboxing match and underwent a mandatory MRI scan.

After a long process with surgery and chemotherapy, the doctors in the Netherlands could no longer help him. He is expected to live for a maximum of five years. So Robbie turns to a specialist in America for treatment that will extend his life by thirty years.

“McGregor zei toen: ‘Ask me anything’.”

A treatment of 475,000 euros has been initiated. More than 200,000 euros have now been donated. In the past, Heckman trained with world-renowned fighter McGregor. The Irishman wanted to work on his standing techniques such as punches, kicks and knees. Only then was the tumor discovered. The MMA fighter later shared a video of support.

Hackman is happy that Conor McGregor is sharing the donation campaign with his supporters. “Then he said to me: ‘Ask me at least’.“So Hackman could ask him what he wanted. So I asked him something.”

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Hackman sent him a link to the crowdfunding campaign and added the following text: ‘By sharing it, it might save my life.’ Hackman didn’t hear anything for a while until the news was shared on Monday.

“Already 7,000 people have donated.”

“People say that he should donate more because he has more money. I have never heard that. I would never dare to do that. I have many millionaires in my circle of acquaintances. I cannot expect them to give more. People have often changed. Millionaires for a reason. They are also very grateful. More than 7,000 people have already made a small or large donation.”

MMA fighter McGregor shared a call for donations on Instagram. ‘Done. Blessing,” he writes. Hackman received a personal response from Conor McGregor. “I shared it and I’ll take care of it. Praying for you, Robbie.

Hackman is going to the US this month for treatment.

Robbie Hackman fought his farewell match in May:

read more:
Terminally ill kickboxer Robbie Hackman heads to US: ‘last hope’
Robbie Hackman is winning in the ring, but he wants to win his battle against cancer

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