Member of the European Parliament Matthias Ecke was attacked and seriously injured

Member of the European Parliament Matthias Ecke was attacked and seriously injured

Member of the European Parliament Matthias Ecke was attacked and seriously injured in Dresden on Friday evening. The Social Democratic Party politician was taken to hospital and will need surgery. German news agencies and media reported this.

Ike was allegedly attacked by a group of four people when he was putting up election posters. Shortly before that, a 28-year-old Green Party employee was kicked and beaten while hanging posters. Authorities suspect the same group is responsible for both attacks. According to the local branch of the Social Democratic Party, other employees who pasted the posters were also intimidated.

The attack on MEP Ecke is “an unambiguous warning signal to all people in this country.” The SPD bosses in Saxony responded: “Our democratic values ​​are under attack.” “Criminals’ attacks on Democratic party poster teams are an attack on the foundations of our democracy.”

Recently, attacks on politicians in Germany, especially on members of the Green Party, have increased. Robert Habeck (Minister of Economy and Climate) was attacked on a ferry in January, and last Thursday evening, Bundestag member Kai Gehring and the third mayor of Essen, Rolf Fliess, were attacked in Essen.

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