Masked men remove new Banksy artwork | RTL News

Masked men remove new Banksy artwork | RTL News

In London, masked men removed a new artwork by the mysterious artist Banksy. The image of a howling wolf was placed on a satellite dish.

Passersby filmed how the men climbed to the roof using a ladder, removed the plate and quickly fled with it:

Banksy has installed four new works in London in four days. The artist himself revealed the wolf howling in a photo posted on his Instagram account. The work appeared on Rye Lane in the Peckham area in the south of the capital.

Although it is never certain for Banksy what is and is not part of the show, it appears to have been the work of thieves. The artist’s spokesperson He told the BBC The artwork may have been stolen. London police also said reports of the theft had been filed. No arrests have been made so far.

The BBC also spoke to a witness named Tom Kello, who chased the thieves. “They had a ladder,” Kello said. “One of them went up to the roof and the other two were watching from the ladder.

When the masked men saw him filming, the atmosphere quickly turned dark. “One of them kicked me in the side and another tried to throw my phone on the roof. Luckily it hit a tree branch and fell back into the street.”

Goats, elephants and monkeys

“It’s a shame we can’t enjoy something beautiful here,” he said. According to him, the artwork was in place for less than an hour. The BBC wrote that the plate the wolf was standing on may also have been made by Banksy; it had not previously been visible on Google Street View.

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The series of artworks, all animal silhouettes, opened last Monday. It started with a goat in Richmond, then two elephants in Chelsea and three monkeys on Brick Lane in east London.

In December, a brand new artwork was also stolen in broad daylight. The artist’s work has also previously appeared in besieged Ukraine, and photos of it can be seen here:

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