Lil Kleine is not allowed to contact Jaimie Vaes |  Displays

Lil Kleine is not allowed to contact Jaimie Vaes | Displays

Lil Klein is currently not allowed to have contact with his ex-fiancée Jimmy Weiss. The ban on contact is a condition that was imposed after a court decided a few weeks ago that the rapper may await the objective treatment of his suspected assault case. His attorney Nienke Hoogervorst confirmed this to the ANP after being informed by Show news

Jorik Scholten, as he’s really called Lil Kleine, made himself heard again via Instagram last Thursday. put it on Video in which he apologizes for his recent behaviour. “I see that I wasn’t myself, that I did something wrong and that I hurt and hurt a lot of people. That should never have happened.”

Criminal attorney Natasha Harlequin suggested, Saturday evening, that the fact that in the video he does not deal directly with Weiss, the alleged victim of the abuse for which he was arrested in February, may have something to do with the ban on communication. Show news† She said contact via social media is indirect and not allowed.

Become Lil Klein in February Arrested On suspicion of assaulting Weiss. He was initially released after three nights in prison, but after the public prosecutor’s appeal against him, the judge ruled that he must return to prison. He was released after fourteen days in mid-March. Pending the case to continue, the rapper is currently in Thailand where he says he is looking for “professional help”.

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