“Let the municipalities organize a booster” • Mayor: The late couple revolted

“Let the municipalities organize a booster” • Mayor: The late couple revolted

The Portuguese woman who was taken off a departing plane at Schiphol Airport with her Spanish boyfriend yesterday after they left a quarantine hotel has nothing good to say about her treatment. in a A conversation with RTL News She says she feels treated “like dogs”. According to their own words, they received very little information. “The suggestion that we escaped quarantine is too ridiculous for words. No one told us what the rules were.”

The couple, who live in the Spanish region of Catalonia, arrived in Schiphol on a flight from South Africa on Saturday. In a test due to the advance of the omikron virus, the woman tested positive, after which they were placed in the hotel. The woman questioned the test result and therefore asked the hotel for a new test, but despite repeated insistence, GGD did not want to do so.

Then I asked one of the guards, “What are you going to do?” The guards are said to have said, “If we were in your situation, we would have left.” The woman and her boyfriend then went to Schiphol, where they were taken off a plane by Marechaussee shortly before departure.

Today, Mayor Schurmanns van Harlemer painted a different picture of the two’s departure. According to her, the security guards were advised not to leave, but they were not stopped for lack of legal basis for this. GGD Kennemerland cannot yet respond to the story of the Spanish woman at RTL Nieuws.

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